Understanding and Influencing Policy on Teen Sexting in the UK

The young people and digital media project,
Birmingham City University



The project

This infographic distils the findings and ambitions of a groundbreaking research project led by Andrea Anastassiou, Assistant Lecturer and Doctoral Researcher at Birmingham City University. The project delves into the complex and often misunderstood realm of teen sexting, aiming to shed light on young people's perspectives and experiences within the digital age of romantic and intimate relationships.


Project Lead: Andrea Anastassiou, Assistant Lecturer/Doctoral Researcher, Birmingham City University

This infographic was designed to encapsulate the essence of a project poised to challenge and possibly change the landscape of digital privacy, consent, and education among the youth in the UK. Through compelling visuals and succinct summaries, it aims to engage, inform, and inspire action among policymakers, educators, and the public.