Berkshire MS Therapy Centre

Website UI Design


The project

The Berkshire MS Therapy Centre website, a collaborative creation with SouthMedia, stands as a digital platform for offering support and resources to those affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This website is highly accessible, featuring tools like text size adjustment, grayscale, high contrast, and more to ensure ease of use for all visitors. It effectively showcases the Centre's comprehensive services, including free core therapies like physiotherapy, oxygen therapy, counselling, and foot care, as well as complementary therapies at discounted rates.

Central to the website is the emphasis on community support and a range of activities tailored for people with MS. These include yoga, Tai Chi, relaxation and meditation classes, specialized exercise programs, and support for carers. The site highlights the impact of the Centre through compelling statistics, such as over 13,000 treatments provided in the past year and 100% member recommendation rate.

Additionally, the website serves as a hub for engaging with the MS community, offering news updates, a blog, information about social activities, and opportunities for volunteering and donation. It invites users to stay connected through newsletters and provides easy access to contact information for further assistance.

Overall, the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre website is a thoughtfully designed resource that not only informs visitors about the Centre's services and impact but also fosters a sense of belonging and support within the MS community.


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